General Information Data

Pupil FTEs (Full-Time Equivalents)

Total pupils served: 10,213

Constituent Districts, PSAs, Nonpublic Schools

Most of the students within the SJCISD service area attend 9 constituent public school districts. In addition, the SJCISD has 6 registered non-public schools.

ISD Employees

The total below includes, but is not limited to:

Total Employees: 325

2023-2024 Total Dollars Distributed

For the 2023-2024 school year, the overall revenues were $36,970,690 resulting in an increase for the fiscal year of $3,102,764.   Revenues increased to $36,970,690 while expenses to $33,867,926.

Enrollment decreased from 2022-2023 school year.

SJCISD decreased its outstanding long-term debt to $2,300,000 by issuing energy bonds to make energy efficiency improvements to the buildings.  

2023-2024 Revenues

The SJCISD receives most of its annual revenue in the form of federal grant funds for specific projects. Revenues are generated through a variety of resources, including, but not limited to: local, state, federal sources, state aid, property taxes, registrations, fees for services, local foundations, and transfer from other entities, including local school districts.

2023-2024 Revenues $36,970,690

2023-2024 Expenditures

Expenditures are reported in six basic areas: instruction, support services, transfers to other districts, debt services principal, debt services interest, and capital outlay for General Education, Special Education, and Career Tech Education.  Support services to local districts are provided for accounting/payroll functions, educational/training, consulting, technology and special education. The SJCISD operates Special Education Services, Pathfinder Education Center, Special Education Off Site Programs, and Career Tech Education Consortium. Per state guidelines, expenditures are reported using the six categories shown.

2023-2024 Expenditures $33,867,926